Choose one the right package to fit your needs.

$9,999 USD
Test your core hypothesis and iterate with ease using a nimble MVP.
Whats included?
- Utilize the standard components from Codi's private library
- Go to market quickly with the lightweight build designed to help you do so
- Add features in seconds with our built-in modules
- Go live in 4 weeks or less
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Web App
$17,999 USD
Performed and scale within your company thanks to a fully responsive and functioning multi-page web app.
Whats included?
- Get your unique business needs met with a customized design
- Scale your company with the right foundation
- Perform like never before with your app's optimized architecture
- Go live in 8 weeks or less
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Web / Mobile App
$24,999 USD
Get a web and Android/iOS appwith native features. Coupled with Web App into single code base.
Whats included?
- Integrate mobile devices with native features
- Enjoy easy code management and deployment with Web and Mobile options
- Launch on iOS and Android in a matter of weeks
- Go live in 12 weeks or less
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